Secant piles
Secant piles are piles shaped in the soil, which cut into each other and are made using a casing tube or guiding pile. This metal pile is drilled into the soil without vibrations, using an internal drill. In this way, the soil is removed from the pile. Next, concrete is poured through the drill’s hollow axis to the tip of the pile, while the casing tube is brought up again. This means the soil around the drilling hole isn’t displaced and we avoid movements. It allows for works close by existing foundations. After pouring the concrete, armouring can be placed if necessary.
Muti-use machines take care of efficient installation
At Soetaert, we possess multi-functional deep foundation machines, which we use for gravel cores, soilmix, and drilling piles. This way, we can easily mobilise machines to install deep foundations.
- Vibration- and shock free
- Little noise
- Earth retaining and water resisting
This technique can be used perfectly next to existing foundations.