Master Building LPA
On the former site of Post X in Antwerp, the new Master Building for the Local Police Antwerp (LPA) is being built. It is a very prestigious and complex building with 2 towers of 9 floors each, connected to one another by a 4-storey central core. The complex accommodates about 14,000 m² of office space, 400 parking spaces, bicycle sheds for 500 bicycles and 2,200 work stations. A project of this size requires a solid foundation...
An impressive diaphragm wall site was the result: 61 diaphragm wall panels were placed up to maximum 33 metres deep. Apart from this, we also installed two rows of anchors during the excavation of the building pit (up to - 17m). We found numerous obstacles (old foundations and brick walls from the 19th century) and we were working close to existing buildings and buildings under construction.